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Trice Configuration file

(Not implemented! - just ideas)

(Not implemented! - just ideas)

(Not implemented! - just ideas)

(Not implemented! - just ideas)

(Not implemented! - just ideas)

1. Config file options

2. trice [...]

Search for config files named trice.conf and use the settings there. The search goes on top down places. A value in a more down config overloads previous value settings. Command line values have highest precedence. The top down search places are:

3. trice h|help [-c|config cfilename] [-i|idlist idfilename]

Display help and locations of config files named trice.conf and all list files til.json occurrences in top down config search. If -c and or -l is specified, the appropriate filenames are used instead.

4. trice c|config filename [...]

Use filename as config file and ignore all config files named trice.conf. If filename is [path/]trice.conf no other trice.conf is evaluated and it is searched only in the current directory or the specified path location. The config file must contain one and only one sub-command or a sub-command must be inside the command line.

5. trice config file trice.conf.json

5.1. Reading stuff

5.2. Rules

5.3. Config file search and parameters priority